Canias-ERP Career Management – Career Management (CRR) module includes processes related to the follow-up of Career Plans, Development Cards, Performance Evaluation, Backup and Talent Pools.

With the module applications, it is ensured that the needs of the employees are determined on a position basis, more than one career plan is created for the employees, backup operations on the basis of the position, and the placement of the employees in the talent pools according to their abilities are provided. With the 360-degree Performance evaluation system, employees can be evaluated according to their goals and competencies, employee risks and statuses can be determined, and this information can be used in the career plan.



In matrix definitions, processes such as determining the requirement needs on a position basis, defining the position risk status and determining the positions to be backed up are followed. As the relevant position requirements; Required competency values, qualification values, required trainings, foreign languages ​​sought, educational status, professional qualification certificates and driver’s licenses can be defined. These defined requirements are kept in the system as the Position Requirement Matrix and are integrated with the Career Planning application.



In career planning application; In cases where requirement matrices are defined for the targeted position, compliance checks are made by comparing employee information and it can be recorded whether the requirements are met or not. Position requirements can be filled automatically, or manual requirements can be added to the career plan and followed. After the comparison, it is expected to take action on the missing requirements.

Within the career plan, the risk and potential status of the employee can be followed, the development of the employee over time and the record information can be followed with the Development Card. Risk and status areas can be determined manually or automatically from Performance Evaluation records.

Backing up personnel for different positions or backing up another personnel to the position where the personnel is actively working can also be done from this application. Personnel can also be backed up for positions other than the target position determined for them.



Talent Management processes consist of 2 titles: creating talent pools and backing up critical positions.

Talent pools enable current or future talent needs to be identified and followed up during preparation periods by identifying and transferring talents within the organization to relevant pools.

The creation of talent pools is performed automatically by the system based on the definitions of Talent Pools and Talent Preparation Periods. Talent, skill, potential, performance, etc. Employees can be added to the talent pools, taking into account the processes. Taking into account the development of the employees, transfers can be made between periods or the validity start and end dates can be updated.

Back-up is the process of pre-selecting candidates so that the relevant position can be filled in a short time, in case of a sudden resignation of employees in critical positions or their transition to different positions.

The positions to be backed up can be marked from the Position Requirement Matrix application and are taken into account in the position listings on the backup screens. More than one employee can be backed up for a position, and an employee can be added to more than one position as a backup.



Periodic evaluations can be applied to employees for Performance Management processes. In performance evaluation, business goals can be determined periodically, career goals, opinions and suggestions can be defined, and documents related to the evaluation can be added. Competencies can be applied by determining them on a department or position basis. The desired amount of evaluators can be determined and evaluators can be classified as ‘Subordinate’, ‘Superior’, ‘Self’, ‘Equivalent’. Different weights can be defined for evaluators on the basis of target and competence. Managers can enter goals for their employees. Target definitions can be defined automatically on the basis of company / department / position / person. Evaluation forms for the new period offer the option to copy from previous periods or to automatically create them by selecting options.

Evaluators can enter a description for each item and add documents based on the evaluation during the evaluation. Score entry or scale selection can be used for competency assessments. In addition, when formulas are entered for targets, targets can be closed for evaluation and calculated automatically. Completed evaluations can be closed for correction, evaluation results can be shared with the employee or manager within the limits of authority. Training needs and development actions as a result of the evaluation can also be recorded.



  • Position Requirement Matrix
  • Career Plans
  • Talent Pools
  • Backup
  • Performance management